Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Eli is in his second year of baseball and he has had a great time learning more about the game. This year, a pitching machine is the pitcher and Eli has been a good hitter. He is still working on his field play but, has become more confident in his skills. Way to go Eli!!!
Swing batter batter!
Keep your eyes on the ball!
Reach for it!
Action shot!
I'm not sure what this is about!
Our big Giant!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


William is 2 although if you ask him how old he is, he'll tell you he's 10. We don't know where he got that from but, he says it every time (check out the video below)! Being the third child, Liam got a raging party with his brother, sister and grandparents!!! He had a great time anyways with his new "Big Truh" and "Ah Lawn!" He really is our little ham and makes us laugh every day! Happy Birthday Liam!!!
2 or 10...that is the question!
mmm pizza!

"Big truh!"

Watch out Nana!
Taking the baby for a ride!
"Ah Lawn"
"Am I really 2?"
Make a wish!


Our little Kaylynnyloulou is 5. We can't believe she is growing up so fast. For her birthday, we had a girls day out with Mya and Paige. We went to yummy flat bread pizza where the girls made their own pizzas. Then we went to Powell's Candy and went crazy getting all of our favorite treats. And last, we went to Ceramica and painted our own pieces of art. Everyone had a really good time...even the moms! I made a big cup cake cake for fun. Kaylynn thought it was cool. The end result looked better than it tasted. Next time, I'll stick to the small size cup cakes. Happy Birthday Kaylynn!!!
Kaylynn and Mya talking on their fake phones on the way to pizza.
Kaylynn, Paige and Mya making their pizzas.
This is a dog made out of metal.
"This sucker will be perfect for Eli!"
Getting ready to paint our masterpieces!
Such concentration!
The finished product. Kaylynn's very own cereal bowl!


I took Kaylynn and Liam to the Zoo with Kaylynn's Pre-school. We had a lot of fun seeing all the animals, including this sleepy lion. I was just laying there right on the other side of the glass, sun bathing.
Liam riding the elephant.
Kaylynn on the giraffe.
Kaylynn, Liam and Mya in the giant egg.


What a crazy Spring it has been. Snow on April fools and even in May...who would have thought? At least it makes for a good rainbow. Daniel took these pictures after a storm. The rainbow went all the way across the sky and looked like it ended right across the street from us. Where's the gold?


The kids love for Daniel to make chocolate chip cookies. I think they like the dough even better though. Eli and Liam sitting on the Elmo couch eating cookie dough has become a ritual! Yummy goodness!!!


I took these cute pictures of Liam at the park!
He really did not want to get out of the swing!


Liam is so sneaky. He got a hold of a brown marker and pretended it was lipstick. This was the result!!!


Eli has achieved an 100% on every spelling test this year! We are so proud of him. As a reward, he got a free meal at T.G.I.Fridays so we took him there to celebrate. I guess he was really hungry from all of that spelling. He ate appetizers, his whole meal (ribs) and some of everyone elses. Daniel and I think he would be a great professional eater!!!
Kaylynn and her pizza!
Liam and his shmorgishboard!!!
Daniel and his prime rib! (mmm so moist)
Me and my Parmesan chicken!
"I think I'm done now!"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


We all had a great Easter this year. The night before, Liam decided to be up crying in the middle of the night. And then, Eli and Kaylynn decided to get up and find their Easter baskets before Danny and I got up. Those sneaky peeps! After that though, we just had a relaxing day at home and then went to Nana's for dinner. I made a yummy jello salad.

"Is there money in here?"

"I found another one!"

"What am I suppose to do with this grass?"

Grandma stuffing Liam's face!

"Chubby Bunny!"

"I see you!"

Cute couple!


Coloring our Easter Eggs was very entertaining this year. Liam was able to get in on the action and the mess was minor. When we were done, we decided to break out the dance moves and have a little more fun. Danny was having a flashback to high school but, found he wasn't as limber as he use to be.
"I think I need more color on this one!"
The ones in the top row got dropped in the process and are all cracked!
"Watch this!!!"
Yes, he does fall onto his back!
No words!