Sunday, August 30, 2009


Well, it took him forever to get up the courage to do it on his own, but Liam is finally walking!!! He has been pushing around strollers, walkers and anything else he can find that slides across the floor for the longest time. Eli liked to help him practice by standing him up a couple of feet away from his bed and have him walk toward it. Then, it finally clicked in Liam's little head that he could do it without any help. Eli stood him up and he walked right past his bed and into the living room. It was about time!!! I took a video of him right after that, but I didn't realize that you had to have the camera right side up, so sorry it's sideways! The next day we went to the park to try out wearing shows and climbing up the playground. Well done Liam!

Liam's first steps!

"I think I'm stuck!"

"Is this how the big kids play?"

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